Moriarty is an irish surname, originally O'Muircheartaigh, meaning "Navigator" (Muir=Sea Cheartaig=rectify, adjust, put to rights) in Irish Gaelic, or Morartach meaning "Noble, illustrious" (Mor=Great, Artach=Exalted).
It can be found in the west of Ireland, specially in County Kerry, although many Moriartys emigrated to the UK, USA (approx. 9000 live there now), Australia, etc...
There is even a town in New Mexico (USA) called Moriarty.
Famous Moriartys: Sherlock Holmes' rival of course, ... and ... that's it!. Less famous (media related): Michael (actor), Cathy (actress), and more to add...
Yvonne S. co-orchestrated "The thin Red Line", "Shrek", and other films.
In 1983 Robert flew a single-engine plane through the bottom arches of the Eiffel Tower, "just for the fun."
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