'Lesson Five'



Pärdònmi. (Pardon me.), ' .'
Helów. Grïtings. (Hello. Greetings.), ' .'
Gud dey. (Good day.), ' .'
Gud mörning. (Good morning.), ' .'
Gud ïvning. (Good evening.), ' .'
Gud nayt. (Good night.), ' .'
Haw bï yü? (How be you?), ' ?'
Fayn. Thangk yü. And yü? (Fine. Thank you. And you?), ' ?'
Sow-sow. Gud in`óf. (So-so. Good enough.), ' .'
Not sow gud. Not tú gud. (Not so good. Not too good.), ' .'
Ay not tök [spïk] gud Inglish. (I not talk [speak] good English.), ' .'
Plïz tök [spïk] slowli. (Please talk [speak] slowly.), ' .'
Enjóy ov-yü [yü's] füd. Gud apètayt. (Enjoy of-you [your] food. Good appetite.), ' .'
Tu ov-yü [yü's] helth. (To of-you [your] health.), ' .'
Seym tu yü, thangk yü. (Same to you, thank you.), ' .'
Ay wil-sï yü àgén. (I will see you again.), ' .'
Bay. Adyû. (Bye. Adieu.), ' .'
Bar of Flags

'CONVERSATION': 'If two people can speak about themselves for five minutes, then the two of them can carry on a conversation of ten minutes.'

'For purposes of this course of ten lessons, you should prepare in writing all the extraordinary things about yourself with either true or invented details, and then memorize them, so that you can give a talk about yourself in Transitional English for five minutes. You can consult your notes, if necessary.'

'Here is an example of what we mean about' JOE VERDE.

          Ov-ay neym bï Joe Verde [Jow Verdï]. Ay liv in USA [Yu-Es-Ey]. Ay bigíned stùdi Transíshònàl Inglish bifôr for wïks. It bï veri ïzi langgwij. Ay liv in haws on Meyn Strït with ov-ay wayf and ov-wi kids. Wi hav wòn sòn and tü dötèrs. Ay layk sï nyü pleyses. Ay layk travèl, and ay layk wòrk hièr. Ay wòrk hard, bùt ay layk it. Ay wòrk in kònstr`úkshòn. Pey bï gud.

'Using the above paragraph as a model, write your own brief biographical paragraph.' 

'OBSERVATION': Any intelligent person can learn Transitional English rapidly and most easily. Transitional English can serve as a medium of global communication. It is simple, flexible and a practical solution to the problem of intercultural communication, and face to face comprehension. Transitional English is ready for experimentation as an auxiliary universal second language, as a global dialect, or as some call it a "globolect."'


'The five vowels are always pronounced the same way, which is an improvement over standard English, which gives each vowel various values. Moreover, each vowel has its counterpart that is pronounced longer. The longer vowels are marked with an umlaut, two dots over the long vowel. A fifth vowel, that shows up frequently is the neutral, or schwa, vowel, that the mouth a bit more closed than for the a, and the tongue slightly pulled back while the voicing is also more retracted in the mouth and is almost pharyngeal.'

'The five prolonged vowels appear as: ä, ë, ï, ö, ü.'

'The other important vowel is the schwa, or neutral vowel.San Francisco Cable Car This vowel is represented by the symbols à è ì ò ù (with a grave accent). It is normally found wherever the Standard English vowel is unaccented. An example of this neutral vowel is the word 'nütràl' (neutral), wherein the a is no longer a "pure" vowel, or as in the word pèrsòn (person), where the o is again not a "pure" vowel, or as in 'tòmâtow' (tomato), where the o is pronounced as a schwa ò.'

'The consonants have much the same sounds as they do in our native language: B (as in _______), CH (as in ______), j (as in _____), D (as in ______), DH (as in _____), F (etc...), G (etc...), H (etc...), K (etc...), L (etc...), M (etc...), N (etc...), P (etc...), R (has two values, one as a single alveolar tap, when it derives from a standard English intervocalic -tt- or -dd-, or as a fricative, retroflex r in all other cases), S (etc...), SH (etc...), T (etc...), TH (etc...), V (etc....), W (etc...), Y (etc...), Z (etc..., ZH (etc...).'

'Among these consonants there are some that are somewhat unusual for our language:

TH interdental, fricative, unvoiced, in English think

DH interdental, fricative, voiced, in English this

J palatal, affricate, voiced, in English George

R palatal, fricative, tongue retroflexed, voiced, as heard in American English right'

'NOTE WELL: When the ALPHABET is recited or spelled, in Transitional English an "i" is added to each consonant. The vowels remain unchanged.'

a bi chi ji di dhi e fi gi hi ji i ki li mi
ni o pi ri si shi ti thi u vi wi yi zi zhi

'As standard English lacks declensions, it normally lacks case endings. There are only two types of endings that are important in Transitional English, the plural -s, and the adverbial -li.'

'THE PLURAL' is formed by adding an s to the nouns: big buk ' ' = (a big book); big buks = (big books), ' .'

'-LI is the ADVERBIAL ENDING, and is added to adjectives: gud ' ' > gudli ' '; strong ' ' > ströngli ' '; byütifùl ' ' > byütifùli ' '. Shi sing byütifùli. (She sings beautifully.) ' .'

'THE DIRECT OBJECT (THE ACCUSATIVE CASE) is recognized by its POSITION, because it follows the verb in a sentence, and not because it has any special ending [case form] in Transitional English: Ay help hi. (I help he.) ' .' Ay hav byütifùl flawèrs. (I have beautiful flowers.)'

'VERBS: The verb has only four forms in Transitional English [I-IV], which have only six distinct functions: (I.1) The infinitive, which is identical to form (I.2), the present tense, and to form (I.3), the imperative. While the past tense is distinguished by the -ed ending (II. 4), the future tense with the prefix wil- (III. 5), while the conditional has the prefix wud- (IV. 6).'

---------------------------------------- I ----------------------------------------
----- 1 ----- ----- 2 ----- ------------- 3 -------------
help = tu_help help help!
(to help) (helps) (help!)
' ' ' ' ' !'
----- II ----- ----- III ----- ------------- IV -------------
--- 4 --- --- 5 --- --------- 6 ---------
helped wil-help wud-help
(helped) (will help) (would help)
' ' ' ' ' '


àvéylàbèl (available), adj. ' '
bagij (baggage), n. ' '
chek awt (check out), fr. ' '
dòbèl (double), adj. ' '
difèrèns (difference), n. ' '
elèveytòr (elevator), n. ' '
flör (floor), n. ' '
kï (key), n. ' '
king (king), n. ' '
köl (call), n. ' '
kredit kärd (credit card), fr. ' '
kwïn (queen), n. ' '
nekst (next), n. ' '
prays (price), n. ' '
regùlàr (regular), n. ' '
reylrowd (railroad), n. ' '
risît (receipt), n. ' '
rüm (room), n. ' '
sayn (sign), n. ' '
singgèl (single), adj.' '
speshàl (special), adj. ' '
steyshòn (station), n. ' '
taks (tax), n. ' '
taksi (taxi), n. ' '
weyk-ùp (wake up), fr. ' '

(In hotel) (' ')
Turist.-- Helów. Ay kòmed bay taksi from reylrowd steyshòn. Yü hav àvéylàbèl rüm? (Hello. I comed by taxi from railroad station. You have available room?) ' ?'
Klèrk.-- Yes, sìr [madàm]. Yü wànt singgèl or dòbèl rüm? (Yes, sir [madam]. You want single or double room?) ' ?'
Turist.-- Singgèl. Now. Dòbèl, plïz. Haw mùch bï dòbèl rüm? (Single. No. Double. How much be double room?) ' ?'
Klèrk.-- Wi hav speshàl reyt tùdéy ov wòn hùndrèd dolàrs pèr dey, plùs ten pèrsént taks. Yü wànt tü singgèl beds or wòn regùlàr dòbèl bed? Wi ölsow hav kwïn and king sayz beds. (We have special rate today of one hundred dollars per day, plus ten percent tax. You want two single beds or one regular double bed? We also have queen and king size beds.) ' .' 
Turist.-- Wàt bï difèrèns? (What be difference.) ' ?'
Klèrk.-- Dhey bï biger, bùt seym prays. (They be bigger, but same price.) ' .'
Turist.-- Regùlàr bed wil-bï fayn. (Regular bed will be fine.) ' .'
Klèrk.-- Yes, sìr [madàm]. Ov-yü rüm Juggler nùmbèr bï 205. Hièr bï ov-yü kï. Yü kan teyk elèveytòr tu tüth flör (wònth for yü) on ov-yü rayt. Yü nïd help with ov-yü bagij? (Yes, sir [madam]. Of-you room number be 205. Here be of-you key. You can take elevator to twoth floor [oneth for you] on of-you right. You need help with of-you baggage?) ' ?'
Turist.-- Now, thangk yü. Ay kan handèl it. (No, thank you. I can handle it.) ' .'
Klèrk.-- Yes, sìr [madàm]. Gud nayt. (Yes, sir [madam]. Good night.) ' .'
Turist.-- Gud nayt. Plïz giv tu ay weyk-ùp köl at 6 a.m. [ey-em]. (Good night. Please give to I wake up call at 6 a.m.) ' .'
Klèrk.-- Yes, sìr [madàm]. Hav gud nayt, sìr [madàm]. (Yes, sir [madam]. Have good night, sir [madam].) ' .'
Nekst Dey (Next Day) '( )'
Turist.-- Ay bï cheking awt. Ay wud layk pey ov-ay bil. (I be checking out. I would like pay of-I bill.) ' .'
Klèrk.-- Yes, sìr [madàm]. Kash, chek, or kredit kärd? (Yes, sir [madam]. Cash, check, or credit card?) ' ?'
Turist.-- Kredit kärd. (Credit card.) ' .'
Klèrk.-- Bil kòm tu wòn hùndrèd ten dolàrs. Plïz sayn hièr. Thangk yü. Hièr bï ov-yü risît. (Bill come to one hundred ten dollars. Please sign here. Thank you. Here be of-you receipt.) ' .'
Turist.-- Thangk yü. Hav gud dey. (Thank you. Have [a] good day.) ' .'
Klèrk.-- Yü tü, sìr [madàm]. (You too, sir [madam]). ' .'

'ORAL EXERCISES (1-10):   Answer the following questions.'

1. Hü bï pèrsòns töking in dayàlog?
2. Wàt turist wànt in howtél?
3. Howtél hav àvéylàbèl rüm?
4. Wàt sayz beds bï àvéylàbèl?
5. Wàt turist teyk tu gow tu tüth flör?
6. Kan turist handèl ov-hi bagij?
7. Hü nïd weyk-ùp köl at 6 a.m.?
8. Wen turist chek awt from howtél?
9. Haw mùch bïed bil?
10. With wàt turist pey howtél bil?

'ANSWERS (1-10)':

1. Turist and klèrk bï pèrsòns töking in dayàlog.
2. Turist wànt rüm in howtél.
3. Yes, howtél hav àvéylàbèl rüm.
4. Àvéylàbèl beds bï in sayz regùlàr, kwïn and king.
5. Turist teyk elèveytòr tu tüth flör.
6. Yes, turist kan handèl ov-hi bagij.
7. Turist nïd weyk-ùp köl at 6 a.m. [ey-em].
8. Turist chek awt from howtél nekst dey.
9. Bil bïed $110 [wòn hùndrèd ten dolàrs].
10. Turist pey howtél bil with kredit kärd.

'You are now half way through the course of Transitional English for Everyone.'

Click here for the Transitional English to Standard English and 'Your language' vocabulary. ('Translate the preceding sentence into your language'.) Click here for the Standard English to Transitional English and 'Your language' vocabulary. ('Translate the preceding sentence into your language.') Click here for 'Your language' to Transitional English and Standard English vocabulary. ('Translate the preceding sentence into your language'.)
Click here for Langenscheidt's 'Your language'-English English-'Your language' on-line dictionary. ('Translate the preceding sentence into your language.')

Prague, Czech Republic


Last revised on 24 April 2001