'Lesson Nine'


'You have now experienced all the grammar rules Amsterdam, Holland for Transitional English except for the one dealing with the passive voice, which we try to avoid. However, it does appear in this lesson, should you have desire to become acquainted with it. What is of greatest importance now is to learn more vocabulary. So in this lesson we present quite an extensive list of new vocabulary.'

'As has been noted before, proper names, like last names of people, or geographical names, along with the adjectives that are derived from them, are normally written with the initial letter in capital form. Moreover, proper names tend to be left in the spelling of the original language. That is becoming the global practice in this shrinking world.' 


àdváns (advance), v. ' '
àlîjàns (allegiance), n. ' '
ùnfínished (unfinished), adj. ' '
onòr (honor), v. ' '
bay (by), prep. ' '
batèl (battle), n. ' '
breyv (brave), adj. ' '
bring (bring), v. ' '
bìrth (birth), n. ' '
day (die), v. ' '
ded (dead), adj. ' '
dedikeyt (dedicate), v. ' '
dhùs far (thus far), fr. ' '
dhis wòns (this ones, these), pl.pron. ' '
ditrákt (detract), v. ' '
divówshòn (devotion), n. ' '
ad (add), v. ' '
endúèr (endure), v. ' '
engéyj in (engage in), fr. ' '
fayt (fight), v. ' '
fïld (field), n. ' '
fiting (fitting), adj. ' '
ful (full), adj. 'lleno'
forth (forth), adv. 'adelante'; adj. 'cuarto'
förwàrd (forward), adv. 'adelante'
forgét (forget), v. 'olvidar'
frïdòm (freedom), n. 'libertad'
eykörn (acorn), n. ' '
atmòsfièr (atmosphere), n. ' '
kaktùs (cactus), n. ' '
mün (moon), n. ' '
oksijèn (oxygen), n. ' '
kärbòn dayóksayd (carbon dioxide), n. ' '
grïnhaws (greenhouse), n. ' '
astrònöt (astronaut), n. ' '
gas (gas), n. ' '
soyl (soil), n. ' '
poting (potting), v. ' '
wòrld (world), n. ' '

Transíshònàl   Inglish   Vèrshòn   ov   (Dhey Forgéted tu_Plant Eykörn on Mün)

bay Fil Shàpírow [Phil Shapiro], 1995

Abraham Lincoln

'They Forgot to Plant an Acorn on the Moon'

Sùrfàs of mün bï lot layk desert. It bï dray, roki, and sandi. Dher bï no plants on mün. Not ïvèn smöl kaktùs.
The surface of the moon looks a lot like a desert. It's dry, rocky, and sandy. There are no plants on the moon. Not even a small cactus.

In yiàr 1969 hyümàn bïings from planet èrth fìrst steped on mün. Dhey wöked àráwnd and kòlekted sòm mün roks tu_teyk back with dhem. Bay mìsteyk dhey forgéted tu_plant eykörn.
In the year 1969 human beings from planet Earth first stepped on the moon. They walked around a bit and collected some moon rocks to take back with them. By
mistake, they forgot to plant the acorn.

Dhey bringed eykörn with dhey, àlông with wotèring kan and sòm poting soyl. Dhey bïed sùpówzed tu_plant eykörn fyü hùndrèd yärds àwéy from speyship, bùt dhey forgéted. Dhey pleyn forgéted.
They had brought an acorn with them, along with a watering can and some potting soil. They were supposed to plant the acorn a few hundred yards away from the
spaceship, but they forgot. They plain forgot.

Bùt yü not riàli kan-bleym dhey. Dhey haved so mùch els tu_dü. Evri minùt ov evri dey dhey haved sòmthing impôrtànt tu_dü. Pïpèl from NASA bïed teling dhey wàt tu_dü owvèr reydïo.
You can't really blame them though. They had so much else to do. Every minute of every day they had something important to do. People from NASA were telling
them what to do over the radio.

Bùt wàt wud-hapèn  if dhey remember tu_plant eykörn? Wàt wud-hapèn if dhey dig dawn kòpèl ov inches in lüs soyl, drop sòm swït-smeling poting soyl intü howl, and jentli pleys eykörn in ov-it nyü howm? Wàt wud-hapèn if dhey kòvèr eykörn with sòm mör swït-smeling poting soyl, and jentli wotèr it with ov-dhey wotèring kan?
But what if they had remembered to plant the acorn? What if they had dug down a couple of inches in the loose soil, dropped some sweet-smelling potting soil into
the hole, and gently placed the acorn in its new home? What if they covered the acorn with some more sweet-smelling potting soil, and gently watered it with their
watering can?

Eykörn not nïd lot ov things tu_grow. It nïd wotèr, it nïd soyl, it nïd sùnlayt, and it nïd kärbòn dayóksayd gas. Naw, dher bï plenti of soyl and plenti of sùnlayt on mün. Bùt wotèr and kärbòn dayóksayd bï in shört sùplay. Dhat bï rïzòn way  astrònöts bringed wotèring kan with dhey.
An acorn doesn't need a lot of things to grow. It needs water, it needs soil, it needs sunlight, and it needs carbon dioxide gas. Now, there's plenty of soil and plenty
of sunlight on the moon. But water and carbon dioxide are in short supply. That's why the astronauts brought a watering can with them.

Dhey ölsow bringed smöl plastik grïnhaws with dhey. Plan bïed tu_pleys grïnhaws ray owvèr planted eykörn. Dhen grïnhaws bïed sùpówzed tu_bï filed with kärbòn dayóksayd gas.
They also brought a small plastic greenhouse with them. The plan was to place the greenhouse right over the planted acorn. Then the greenhouse was supposed to
be filled with carbon dioxide gas.

After eykörn sprawt, it wud-pop up thrü soyl in midèl ov grïnhaws. Dher wud-bï lots ov wotèr, soyl, sùnlayt and kärbòn dayóksayd for smöl plant tu_grow töl and strong.
After the acorn sprouted, it would pop up through the soil right in the middle of the greenhouse. There would be lots of water, soil, sunlight, and carbon dioxide for
the small plant to grow tall and strong.

Plants bowth pròdyûs and kònsûm kärbòn dayóksayd. Wòn plant pleysed in klowzed botèl, with gud soyl, sùnlayt and wotèr, kan-sùrváyv for yiàrs witháwt eni keèr from hyümàn bïings. (If yü not bìlîv ay, yü kan-tray dhis at howm.)
Plants both produce and consume carbon dioxide. A plant placed in a closed bottle, with good soil, sunlight and water, can survive for years without any care from
human beings. (If you don't believe me, you can try this yourself at home.)

Az litèl owk trï grow, it wud-pròdyûs mör and mör kärbòn dayóksayd from ov-it lïfs. Ov-it branches wud-rïch awt and bùmp intü wöls ov-grïnhaws. Wòn dey, top ov-owk trï wud-powk ov-it wey thrü top ov-grïnhaws.
As the little oak tree grew, it would produce more and more carbon dioxide from its leaves. Its branches would reach out and bump into the walls of the greenhouse.
One day, the top of the oak tree would poke its way through the top of the greenhouse.

Wen dhat hapèn, sòm ov kärbòn dayóksayd and oksijèn wud-eskéyp thrü dhis howl. Bùt strong plant wud-kòntínyü tu_grow and kòntínyü tu_pròdyûs mör ov dhis tü gases.
When that happened, some of the carbon dioxide and oxygen would escape through this hole. But the strong plant would continue to grow and continue to produce
more of these two gases.

Sow if yü thingk ov ov-mün atmòsfièr az smöl glas botèl in speys, it wud-bï posìbèl for owk trï tu_grow in ov-it soyl. If ownli astrònöts not wud-forgét tu_plant eykörn.
So if you think of the moon's atmosphere as a small glass bottle in space, it might be possible for an oak tree to grow in its soil If only the astronauts had not
forgotten to plant the acorn.

Fil Shàpírow
Phil Shapiro

Kopirayt 1995
Öl Rayts Riz`érved
Copyright 1995
All Rights Reserved


    Great Wall, China
  1. Gudèr leyt dhan nevèr. (Gooder late than never.) ' '
  2. Man bï nowed bay kòmpàni hi kïp. (Man be knowed by company he keep.) ' .'
  3. Praktìs meyk pèrfikt. (Practice make perfect.) ' .'
  4. Layk fädhèr, layk sòn. (Like father, like son.) ' .'
  5. Not lïv for tùmórow wàt yü kan dü tùdéy. (Not leave for tomorrow what you can do today.) ' .'
  6. Pawèr bï pawèr pèrsïved; mayt meyk rayt. (Power be power perceived; might make right.) ' .'




ùndèrstánd (understand), v. ' '
bowth (both), adj. ' '
jùmp (jump), v. ' '
Adàm (Adam), n. p. ' '
eksáyted (excited), adj. ' '
iksténd (extend), v. ' '
elèfànt (elephant), n. ' '
anggri (angry), adj. ' '
ansèr (answer), v. ' '
apèl (apple), n. ' '
früt (fruit), n. ' '
hevèn (heaven), n. ' '
hùmbèli (humbly), adv. ' '
if (if), conj. ' '
Ïv (Eve), p.n. ' '
ïvèn (even), adv. ' '
kòmfòrt (comfort), n. ' '
kòntínyüòs (continuous), adj. ' '
kòntrówl (control), n. ' '
krïéyt (create), v. ' '
lisèn (listen), v. ' '
mùst (must), v. ' '
nevèr (never), adv. ' '
now (know), v. ' '
owvèr dheèr (over there), fr. ' '
pùnishmènt (punishment), n. ' '
parènts (parents), n. pl. ' '
prowgram (program), v. ' '
pròhíbìt (prohibit), v. ' '
riàli (really), adv. ' '
ripîted (repeated), adj. ' '
tròbèl (trouble), n. ' '
tray (try), v. ' '
think (think), v. ' '
thöt (thought), n. ' '
wondèr (wonder), v. ' '
wònth (wònth, first), adj. ' '
wizdòm (wisdom), n. ' '

JOWK (JOKE 1), ' ': Wòn dhat ownli parènts kan àpríshïeyt.

If ov-yü kids get awt ov kòntrówl yü kan teyk kòmfòrt from thöt dhat ïvèn God's greyt pawèrs not iksténd tu ov-Hi kids. Aftèr krïéyting hevèn and èrth, God krïéyted Adàm (Adam) and Ïv (Eve). And wònth thing God seyed tu dhey bïed: "Not dü...!"

--"Not dü wàt?" Adàm asked.

--"Not ït pròhíbìted früt," seyed God.

--"Pròhíbìted früt? Riàli? Weèr bï it?" Adàm and Ïv asked, jùmping ap and dawn eksáytedli.

--"It bï owvèr dheèr," seyed God, wòndèring way Hi not stoped aftèr meyking elèfànts. Sòm minùts leyter God sïed kids ïting apèl and Hi bïed veri anggri.

--"Ay not tel yü not ït dhat früt?" Wònth Parènt asked.

--"Yes," Adàm ansèred hùmbèli.

--"Dhen, way yü düed it?" God asked anggrili.

--"Ay not now," Adàm ansèred.

God's pùnishmènt bïed dhat bowth Adàm and Ïv mùst hav kids ov-dhey own.

Dhùs, patèrn bïed seted and sins dhen it nevèr cheynjed. Bùt dher bï howp in dhis störi. If yü hav kòntínyüòsli and ripîtedli and lòvingli trayed giv ov-yü kids wizdòm, and dhey nevèr teyk it, not bï hard on yüsélf. It sïm kids bï prowgramed in ov-dhey jïns not tu_lisèn tu parènts. If God hav tròbèl with ov-Hi kids, wàt meyk yü think it mùst bï ïzi for yü?


àbólish (abolish), v. ' '
katèrpilàr (caterpillar), n. ' '
laybreri (library), n. ' '
kweschòn (question), n. ' '
insayklòpîdïà (encyclopedia), n. ' '
àríthmètik (arithmetic), n. ' '
mùltìplìkéyshòn (multiplication), n. ' '
yusùrpéyshòn (usurpation), n. ' '

bay Fil Shàpírow [Phil Shapiro], 1995
Thomas Jefferson

'Saul's Question'

Söl nïd tu_now haw meni futs katèrpilàr hav. Hi not ïvèn nïded tu_thingk àbáwt it. Hi gowed streyt tu pùblik laybreri with ov-hi kweschòn.
Saul needs to know how many feet a caterpillar has. He didn't even have to think about it. He went straight to the public library with his question.

Hi wöked streyt up tu yòng man at big desk in front ov laybreri. "Ay hav kweschòn àbáwt katèrpilàrs." Söl seyed. "Yü bi ray person tu_tök tu?".
He walked straight up to the young man at the big desk in front of the library. "I have a question about caterpillars," Saul said. "Are you the right person to talk to?"

Frendli yòng man smayled and seyed, "Not riàli. Ov-ay job bï tu_sayn awt buks from laybreri. Gudest person tu_tök with wud-bï sòmwòn at refèrèns desk. Dhey shuèrli wil-help yü tu_faynd an ansèr tu ov-yü katèrpilàr kweschòn."
The friendly young man smiled and said, "Not really. My job is to sign out books from the library. The best person to talk with would be someone at the reference
desk. They will surely help you find an answer to your caterpillar question."

Sow Saul söntèred owvèr tu refèrèns desk in òdhèr rüm and wöked rayt ùp tu desk. "Ay hav kweschòn àbáwt katèrpilàrs," Saul asked pòláytli.
So Saul sauntered over to the reference desk in the other room and walked right up to the desk. "I have a question about caterpillars," Saul asked politely.

Refèrèns laybrérïàn smayled and seyed, "Tel ay ov-yü kweschòn and ay wil-tel yü haw tu_faynd ansèr." Refèrèns laybrérïàn riàli luked az if shi nowed lot àbáwt lot ov things. Shi luked az if shi nowed ansèr tu hùndrèds and hùndrèds ov kweschòns.
The reference librarian smiled and said, "Tell me your question and I'll tell you how to find an answer." The reference librarian really looked as if she knew a lot about
a lot of things. She looked as if she knew the answer to hundreds and hundreds of questions.

Söl spiked ùp lawd and klièr, "Ay be rayting report àbáwt katèrpilàrs for skül. I nïd tu_faynd awt haw meni futs katèrpilàr hav."
Saul spoke up loud and clear, "I'm writing a report about caterpillars for school. I need to find out how many feet a caterpillar has."

"Hùmmmmmmm," seyed laybrérïàn. "That sawnd layk intèresting kweschòn. Ay bet wi kud-faynd ansèr tu dhat kweschòn if wi luked for it tògédhèr." Söl bïed veri glad dhat shi bïed gowing tu_help hi tu_faynd ansèr tu ov-hi kweschòn. Sòmtayms laybreri sïmed layk sùch big pleys dhat litèl boy kud-get lost fòrévèr bitwîn tü big staks ov buks.
"Hmmmmmm," said the librarian. "That sounds like an interesting question. I bet we could find the answer to that question if we looked for it together." Saul was so
glad that she was going to help him find the answer to his question. Sometimes the library seemed like such a big place that a little boy could get lost forever in
between two big stacks of books.

"Wi gow owvèr and luk at insayklòpîdïà fìrst," seyed helpful laybrérïàn. "Wi kan-luk in insayklòpîdïà with letèr 'k' on it. Sins wòrd katèrpilàr stärt with letèr 'k', best pleys tu_luk in insayklòpîdïà wud-bï in 'k' buk."
"Let's go over and look at the encyclopedia first," said the helpful librarian. "We can look in the encyclopedia with the letter 'c' on it. Since the word caterpillar starts
with the letter 'c', the best place to look in the encyclopedia would be in the 'c' book."

Dhis sawnded layk fayn aydîà tu Söl. Hi bïed sïkrètli howping tu_faynd big kòlòr pikchùr ov katèrpilàr, bùt hi not seyed enithing tu laybrérïàn àbáwt ov-hi sïkrèt wish.
This sounded like a fine idea to Saul. He was secretly hoping to find a big color picture of a caterpillar, but he didn't say anything to the librarian about his secret

Dhey wöked owvèr tu shelf with insayklòpîdïàs. Söl helped laybrérïàn tu_faynd buk with letèr 'k' on it. Laybrérïàn helped Söl tu_lift hevi buk of shelf. Tògédhèr dhey bïed going tu_faynd ansèr tu ov-Söl katèrpilàr kweschòn.
So the two of them walked over to the shelf with the encyclopedias. Saul helped the librarian find the book with the letter 'c' on it. The librarian helped Saul lift the
heavy book off the shelf. Together they were going to find the answer to Saul's caterpillar question.

Az laybrérïàn fliped peyjes ov insayklòpîdïà, Söl kud-sï dhat buk haved meni, meni kòlòr pikchùrs. Buk ölsow haved lots and lots ov rayting bisáyd pikchùrs.
As the librarian flipped the pages of the encyclopedia, Saul could see the book had many, many color pictures. The book also had lots and lots and lots of writing
beside the pictures.

"Hièr it bï!" shawted laybrérïàn. Ay faynded pleys àbáwt katèrpilàrs in insayklòpîdïà.
"Here it is!" shouted the librarian. I found the place about caterpillars in the encyclopedia.

And shuèr in`óf, rayt dheèr on peyj bïed thrï howl paràgrafs àbáwt katèrpilàrs. And pikchùr tü! A kòlòr pikchùr ov katèrpilàr.
And sure enough, right there on the page were three whole paragraphs about caterpillars. And a picture too! A color picture of a caterpillar.

Yü kud-sï ïvèn ov-katèrpilàr feys. Yü wud-bìlîv dhat ov-katèrpilàr feys luked layk old Mistèr Olgar [] at growsèri stör? Ov körs yü haved tu_yüz ov-yü imajìnéyshòn tu_sï rizémblàns.
You could even see the caterpillar's face. Would you believe the caterpillar's face looked like old Mr. Olgar at the grocery store? Of course you had to use your
imagination to see the resemblance.

Naw wayl Söl bïed drïming ov imájìneri katèrpilàrs and growsèri störs, frendli laybrérïàn bïed keèrfùli rïding evrithing insayklòpîdïà haved tu_sey àbáwt katèrpilàrs. "Hièr bï wàt wi bïed luking for," frendli laybrérïàn seyed. "It sey hièr dhat katèrpilàr hav tütîn difèrènt pärts, and dhat ïch pärt hav thrï legs. Gi, dhat sawnd layk mùltìplìkéyshòn problèm tu ay," shi seyed.
Now while Saul was dreaming of imaginary caterpillars and grocery stores, the friendly librarian was carefully reading everything the encyclopedia had to say about
caterpillars. "Here's what we've been looking for," the friendly librarian said. "It says here that a caterpillar has twelve different parts, and that each part has three
legs. Gee, that sounds like a multiplication problem to me," she said.

"Bùt ay bï àfréyd dhat ov-ay àríthmètik bi litèl rùsti dhis deys. Dhey kòmplîtli forgéted tu_tïch mùltìplìkéyshòn at laybreri skül. Perhaps yü kud-help ay with dhis pärt?"
"But I'm afraid my arithmetic is a little rusty these days. They completely forgot to teach multiplication at library school. Perhaps you could help me with this part?"

Söl thöt it owvèr and disáyded dhat hi kud-lend hand at dhis poynt. Bisáydz, hi bïed priti handi at düing math problèms in klasrüm.
Saul thought it over and decided he could lend a hand at this point. Besides, he was pretty handy at doing math problems in the classroom.

In now taym at öl Söl wiped awt ov-hi trùsti pensìl. Hi yanked a pïs ov skrap peypèr awt ov trash kan bisáyd desk. Hi rayted mùltìplìkéyshòn problèm igzáktli az it bïed sùpówzed tu_luk.
In no time at all Saul whipped out his trusty pencil. He yanked a piece of scrap paper out of the trash can beside the desk. He wrote the multiplication problem
exactly as it was supposed to look.

Dhen hi teyked a dïp breth and geted tu_wòrk. Frendli laybrérïàn pièred owvèr ov-hi showldèr az shi mey-bï abel tu_lèrn litèl àríthmètik, tü.
Then he took a deep breath and got to work. The friendly librarian peered over his shoulder as if she might be able to learn a little arithmetic, too.

"Thrïti-siks!" Söl blùrted awt. "Katèrpilàr hav thrïti-siks legs."
"Thirty-six!" Saul blurted out. "A caterpillar has thirty-six legs."

And with dhat, laybrérïàn slamed buk shùt and wöked of with big smayl on ov-shi feys.
And with that, the librarian slammed the book shut and walked off with a big smile on her face.

Söl bïed filing mayti fayn hiself...
Saul was feeling might fine himself...

Fil Shàpírow
Phil Shapiro

Kopirayt 1995
Öl Rayts Rizèrved
Copyright 1995
All Rights Reserved

White House, Washington, DConòr.


(*)   'Possession can be indicated in the same way as in Standard English, by means of the use of apostrophe ['] followed by an s: ['s], or by the use of the preposition of [ov], depending on individual preference. Thus Neychùr's God can also be expressed by God ov Neychùr.'


àkrôs (across), prep. ' '
ärgyü (argue), v. ' '
Bùrgèr King (Burger King), fr. ' '
jowk (joke), n. ' '
disáyd (decide), v. ' '
God (God), p.n. ' '
get (get), v. ' '
kòpèl (couple), n. ' '
kawntèr (counter), n. ' '
lùnch (lunch), n. ' '
lïn (lean), v. ' '
neym (name), v. ' '
pas (pass), v. ' '
prònáwns (pronounce), v. ' '
prònùnsïéyshòn (pronunciation), n. ' '
siti (city), n. ' '
stärt (start), v. ' '
tawn (town), n. ' '
thrü (through), prep. ' '
Versailles [Versáy] (Versailles), p.n. ' '
wen (when), adv. ' '

JOWK (JOKE 2), ' ': Yòng kòpèl on hònimün.

Hònimüning kòpèl bïed pasing thrü steyt ov Kentucky [Kent`úki].

Wen dhey bïed niàr siti neymed Versailles, dhey stärted ärgyüing àbáwt prònùnsïéyshòn ov nyü neym: Àmérikàn Inglish or French prònùnsïéyshòn: Vèrséyls or Versáy? Dhey ärgyüed àgén and àgén, ùntil dhey kòmed tu tawn, wer dhey disáyded stop for lùnch.

Az dhey standed at kawntèr in fast füd restàrànt, nyü hùzbànd seyed tu yang man biháynd kawntèr, "Bifôr wi ördèr, kan yü plïz disáyd ärgyùmènt for wi? Plïz, veri slowli prònáwns neym ov weèr wi bï?"

Yòng man biháynd kawntèr lïned àkrôs, and seyed slowli: "Bùrrrgèrrr Kiiing!"

'EXERCISE':     'Translate the talk following the VOCABULARY from your language into Transitional English. Compare your version with the one below. The Standard English version can be seen in Appendix Five, "Fulbright Reception Lecture".'

'Notice in this talk the appearance of the PASSIVE VOICE, which is formed by using the verb combined with the past tense (same as past participle) of the verb. Normally, Transitional English avoids the PASSIVE VOICE by simply using the active verb in its place. Example': ['PASSIVE VOICE'] Wi bï teyked tu Bratìslâvà bay showfèr. ' .' ['ACTIVE VOICE'] Showfèr teyked wi tu Bratìslâvà. ' .'



 ' ', n. àprówch (approach)
' ', n. aktívìti (activity)
' ', adv. fùrdhèr (further), mörówvèr (moreover)
' ', v. àkwáyèr (acquire)
' ', n. alay (ally)
' ', n.p. Alps (Alps)
' ', phr. fond ov (fond of)
' ', adv. waydli (widely)
' ', adj. ïgèr (eager)
' ', adj. angkshòs (anxious)
' ', adj. förmèr (former)
' ', v. antísìpeyt (anticipate)
' ', n. àpârtmènt (apartment)
' ', adj. asìmptótik (asymptotic)
' ', n. àféìr (affair)
' ', n.p. Atlántà (Atlanta)
' ', n.p. Ostrïà (Austria)
' ', n. barïèr (barrier)
' ', n. tärgèt (target)
' ', n.p. Bratìslâvà (Bratislava)
' ', v. sïk (seek)
' ', n. chärj (charge)
' ', adj. kòntémpòreri (contemporary)
' ', adj. kòléktiv (collective)
' ', n. dayning höl (dining hall)
' ', v. dayn (dine)
' ', v.past eyt = ïted (ate)
' ', v. kòmpél (compel)
' ', v. prüv (prove)
' ', n. kòmyünìkéyshòn (communication)
' ', v. konsentreyt) (concentrate)
' ', n. àwéèrnis (awareness)
' ', n. drayvèr (driver)
' ', v. konstìtüt (constitute)
' ', adj. kowópèràtiv (cooperative)
' ', n. höl (hall)
' ', adj. kozmòpólìtàn (cosmopolitan)
' ', v. bìlîv (believe)
' ', adj. krïowl (creole)
' ', adj. kùlchùràl (cultural)
' ', p.n. Danyüb (Danube)
' ', n. difíshènsi) (deficiency)
' ', p.p. dizáyèred (desired)
' ', v.past gived = [geyv] (gave)
' ', n. diskowrs (discourse)
' ', adv. werévèr (wherever)
' ', n. ekònomiks (economics)
' ', v. ejùkeyt (educate)
' ', adj. eféktiv (effective)
' ', adj. ifíshènt (efficient)
' ', n. imèrjèns (emergence)
' ', v. ùndèrtéyk (undertake)
' ', n. emfàsìs (emphasis)
' ', v. jenèreyt (generate)
' ', v.pasado tïched = [töt] (taught)
' ', adj. brand (brand)
' ', p.p. rayted = [ritèn] (written)
' ', p.n. Eìr Förs Langgwij Skül (Air Force Language School)
' ', p.n. Slowvákïà (Slovakia)
' ', adj. standàrd (standard)
' ', n. igzamìnéyshòn (examination)
' ', v. igzíst (exist)
' ', adj. faynàl (final)
' ', n. spring (spring)
' ', phr. spä (spa)
' ', v.past bïed = [wer] (were)
' ', p.n. Fulbrayt Ris`érch Àwôrd (Fulbright Research Award)
' ', n. bärgàn (bargain)
' ', n. injóymènt (enjoyment)
' ', adj. lärj (large)
' ', n. spïkèr (speaker)
' ', phr. enfôrs (enforce)
' ', adj. ùnôrthòdoks (unorthodox)
' ', adj. ùnsatìsfáktòri (unsatisfactory)
' ', n. instr`úkshòn (instruction)
' ', n. intèrpley (interplay)
' ', adj. intèrk`úlchùràl (intercultural)
' ', adj. intèrp`érsònàl (interpersonal)
' ', n. labòràtowri (laboratory)
' ', n. bawndàri (boundary)
' ', n. linggwist (linguist)
' ', phr. bik`ómed = [bikéym] (became)
' ', v. àchîv (achieve)
' ', phr. meyjòr jenèràl (major general)
' ', n. avèrij (average)
' ', pl.n. mïns (means)
' ', adj. les (less)
' ', n. membèr (member)
' ', n. mìlénïùm (millennium)
' ', phr. Minìstri ov Diféns (Ministry of Defense)
' ', n. häf (half)
' ', phr. Rokis (Rockies)
' ', phr. Tätrà Mawntàns (Tatra Mountains)
' ', p.n. Yunáyted Neyshòns (United Nations)
' ', adj. nïòfayt (neophyte)
' ', pron. wi = [as] (us)
' ', n. greyd (grade)
' ', adj. ov-wi = [or, awùr] (our)
' ', n. ofìsèr (officer)
' ', n. opòrtûnìti (opportunity)
' ', p.n. North Atlántik Trïti Örgànìzéyshòn (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
' ', phr. pijìn-krïowl (pidgin-creole)
' ', n. popyùléyshòn (population)
' ', n. polìtiks (politics)
' ', n. prestîzh (prestige)
' ', n. projekt (project)
' ', n. igzam (exam)
' ', adj. rapìd (rapid)
' ', v. rektìfay (rectify)
' ', phr. Wòrld Wayd Web (World Wide Web)
' ', phr. Intèrnet (Internet)
' ', v. riléyt (relate)
' ', p.n. Slowvak Rip`úblik (Slovak Republic)
' ', adj. revòlûshòneri (revolutionary)
' ', v. rayvàl (rival)
' ', v. satìsfay (satisfy)
' ', n. sekshòn (section)
' ', v. sìlékt (select)
' ', v.pasado fïled = [felt] (felt)
' ', v. poynt awt (point out)
' ', adj. signífikànt (significant)
' ', n. sistèm (system)
' ', adj. sowshàl (social)
' ', n. sòlûshòn (solution)
' ', adj. sùbsikwènt (subsequent)
' ', n. süpèrlanggwij (superlanguage)
' ', n. teknòlójik (technology)
' ', v. thïòrayz (theorize)
' ', phr. kros-kùlchùràl = trans-kùlchùràl (cross-cultural = trans-cultural)
' ', n. trüp (troop)
' ', adv. ùltìmàtli (ultimately)
' ', adj. yünìv`érsàl (universal)
' ', p.n. Vïénà (Vienna)
' ', v.past flayed = [flü] (flew)
' ', p.n. Yügòslâvïà (Yugoslavia)



'COMPARE YOUR TRANSLATION into Transitional English with the one given below.'


Tök Gived at
at University of Kentucky

"Tök, tök, and mör tök bï gud for intèrnáshònàl riléyshòns," seyed William Jefferson Clinton [Wilyàm Jefèrsòn Klintòn], 42th Prezìdènt ov United States of America [Yunáyted Steyts ov Àmérìkà], spïking in Shanghai [Shanghày], Peoples Republic of China [Pïpèls Rip`úblik ov Chaynà], 30 Jün 1998. Mùch pïpèl kònsídèr dhis bï trüizùm. Ov-ay stùdis föl in dhis fïld ov tök, dhat pròdyûs and itself bï prodùkt ov langgwij.

Ov-ay hobi bï stùdi ov langgwijes, and ov-ay Fulbright Research Project [Fulbrayt Ris`érch Projekt] in 1996 bïed tu_ikspérìmènt with simplìfayed Inglish in klasrüm, tu_sï if simplìfìkéyshòn wud heysèn and imprûv lèrning proses ov Inglish az forèn langgwij.

Evèr sins kòláps ov biblikàl tawèr ov Babel [Babèl] and sùbsikwènt linggwístik dïbákèl, pïpèl trayed, witháwt mùch sùksés, tu_ùndû keyótik linggwístik jïógràfi.

Owvèr thawzànd planed and ärtìfíshàl langgwijes bïed invented tu_owvèrkòm dhis linggwístik keyos, àgén, with no sùksés. Problem bï dhat planed langgwijes bï mör difikùlt tu_lèrn dhan bï nachùràl langgwijes, and if eniwòn lèrn ärtìfíshàl langgwij, hi hav härdli eniwòn tu_tök with. Dhat not bï keys with nachùràl langgwijes. Ölthów no langgwij bï ïzi tu_lèrn, sòm bï ïzier dhan òdhèrs.

èrlier in dhis senchùri, sòm langgwij planers bigíned divówt ov-dhey enèrjis tu simplìfaying nachùràl langgwijes. In 1930s C. K. Ogden [Ogdèn] krïéyted Basic English [Beysik Inglish], dhat geyned sùpôrt ov Wòrld Wör II lïdèrs layk Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin and Nehru [Nerü]. Aftèr WW II, Basic English revòlûshònayzed tïching ov forèn langgwijes bay giving rayz tu teksts dhat yüzed beysik vòkábyùleri dhat bïed tïched with ödïow-linggwàl methòd.

Yet dispáyt simplìfìkéyshòn ov vòkábyùleri, litèl bïed düed in simplìfaying gramàr and sintaks, dhat bï mör difikùlt tu_lèrn dhan bï vòkábyùleri. Dhis cheynjed in last thrïti [30] yiàrs. Hùndrèds ov linggwists trayed riléyt simplìfayed gramàr ov pijìn-krïowls tu sekònd [tüth] langgwij lèrning. In ov-wi ris`érch wi ölsow sïk simplìfayed methòd ov feys-tu-feys kòmyünìkéyshòn dhat wil-bï ùndèrstanded glowbàli, àkrôs kùlchùràl barïèrs.

Ov-wi aktívìti konsentreyt on simplìfaying Inglish. Inglish bï naw spïked àráwnd wòrld bay mör pïpèl dhan spïk eni òdhèr ov mör dhan 6700 langgwijes dhat igzíst on feys ov èrth tùdéy. Dhow dher bï dhat-wòns hü not keèr pàrtíkùlàrli for sòm polìtiks biháynd Inglish langgwij, Inglish langgwij itsélf, nevèrdhèlés, hav greyt prestîzh àráwnd wòrld.

Twenti pèrsént (20%) ov wòrld's popyùléyshòn spïk Inglish. Wi kan sey dhat Inglish bï düing veri wel spréding on its own, and it not nïd help from eniwòn. Bùt dher bï àwéèrnis dhat mùch mör pïpèl wud-layk lèrn Inglish. Dhey konstìtüt mùch ov 80% ov wòrld's popyùléyshòn dhat bï intèrested in lèrning in`óf Inglish tu_satìsfay ov-dhey beysik nïds werévèr dhey faynd selfs in wòrld. Dhis kozmòpólìtàn pïpèl bï tärgèt ov simplìfayed Inglish.

Az wi àprówch nyü senchùri, it àpíàr dhat wòrld bï on brink ov chärting nyü paths in intèrk`úlchùràl kòmyünìkéyshòn. Nyü àprówch tu imprüving glowbàl, intèrp`érsònàl diskowrs not lay in krïéyting ärtìfíshàl langgwijes, bùt in simplìfaying mowst popyùlàr, and mowst waydli spïked nachùràl langgwijes layk Chaynîs or Inglish, and yüzing modèrn teknólòji tu_meyk dhem àvéylàbèl tu lärj nùmbèr ov pïpèl.

Dhis tu süpèrlanggwijes hav mùch simpèler gramàr dhan mowst òdhèr langgwijes. Bùt ïvèn sòm ov ov-ay Chaynîs frends sey dhat Inglish, bikôz ov its les kompleks rayting sistèm, bï gudèr choys ov dhis tu_sèrv az glowbàl lingua franca, wòn glowbàl komòn langgwij.

Siks yiàrs àgów, ay fïled kòmpéled tu_simplìfay Inglish tu_meyk it ïzier tu_lèrn. In wòn yiàr wi pròdyûsed wònth [fìrst] tekst eniwer ov simplìfayed Inglish gramàr, and kòmbáyned it with Ogden's "Basic English Vocabulary." Wi nïded dhen tu_ikspérìmènt with dhis revòlûshòneri tekst. Slowvak Republic and Fulbright Research Award [Àwôrd] gived wi dhat opòrtûnìti in Septémbèr and Októwbèr ov 1996.

Wi flayed from Atlanta [Atlántà] tu Vienna, Austria [Ostrïà], weèr a Slowvak drayvèr and milìteri intèrprètèr mïted wi. In häf awùr, dhey drayved wi [ov-ay wayf and ay] dìréktli tu ov-wi àpârtmènt àkrôs Danube [Danyüb] in Bratislava, kapìtàl ov Slovak Republic [Slowvak Rip`úblik]. Nekst dey wi mïted with Meyjòr jenèràl in chärj ov forèn àféìrs sekshòn ov Minìstri ov Diféns ov Slovak Republic. Hi showed wi klasrüm and brand nyü labòràtowri, dhat bik`ómed howm ov ov-wi iksperìméntàl Transíshònàl Inglish klas.

In Slowvákïà, wi tïched tu klases ov Inglish. Wòn bïed iksperìméntàl klas in simplìfayed Inglish for wàt wi pròváyded nyüli rayted ùnôrthòdoks teksts. Wi tïched wòn òdhèr klas in àdvánsed Standàrd Inglish, for wàt wi yüzed standàrd teksts ov U.S. Air Force Language School [Yü Es Eìr Förs Langgwij Skül].

Aftèr eyt wïks ov instr`úkshòn, for kòmpárìsòn pùrpùses, wi gived bowth klases seym faynàl igzamìnéyshòn. Reprizéntativ from British Council [British Kawnsìl] pripeèred igzam. Wi bìlîved dhat rizùlts ov igzam bïed signífikànt, bikôz nïòfayt klas in simplìfayed Inglish sköred 80% ov avèrij greyd àchîved bay àdvánsed klas membèrs dhat haved from för tu eyt tayms az mùch stùdi ov Standàrd Inglish.

Az rizùlt ov dhis ikspérìmènt, wi bìlîv dhat simplìfayed àprówch sùpôrted thïòri, dhat bïed pròpowzed bay linggwists, layk Braj Kachru ov University of Illinois, and Joshua Fishman ov Stanford University, dhat bigíning instr`úkshòn in simplìfayed Inglish kan bï mùch mör ifíshènt and eféktiv dhan instr`úkshòn in Standàrd Inglish, and dhat mörówvèr, it bï thïòrayzed, dhat not ownli wil stüdènts lèrn kwiker on bigíning levèl with simplìfayed gramàr, bùt wil ölsow sùbsikwèntli àkwáyèr standàrd langgwij mör rapìdli.

Thrü ikspérìmènt, wi ölsow disk`óvèred sòm difíshènsis in ov-wi Transíshònàl Inglish tekst, dhat wi bï naw rektìfaying. At University of Kentucky [Kent`úki] wi hav häf dòzèn kolïgs wòrking on simplìfayed Inglish projekt. Wi köl projekt Transíshònàl Inglish, and wi bï angkshòs tu_ùndèrtéyk fùrdhèr iksperìmèntéyshòn on nyü simplìfayed Inglish tekst with help ov World Wide Web [Wòrld Wayd Web] teknólòji. Bay yiàr 2000 (Tu Thawzànd), wi howp tu_hav Transíshònàl Inglish àvéylàbèl an Internet [Intèrnet], witháwt chärj, for spïkèrs ov Spanish [Spanish], Chinese [Chaynîs], Russian [Rùshàn], and Hindi [Hindi].

Àlông with wòrk in Slovak Republic, wi haved lot ov injóymènt. Wi ïted mïls at ofisèrs dayning höl at Ministry of Defense [Minìstri ov Diféns], and wi teyked thrï difèrènt turs ov Slovakia. Wi faynded Slowvaks tu_bï veri kowópèràtiv; dhey bï fond ov United States [Yunáyted Steyts], veri wel ejùkeyted, and dhey bï ïgèr tu_bik`óm milìteri alay in North Atlantic Treaty Organization [North Atlántik Trïti Örgànìzéyshòn]. Ov-dhey trüps ölrédi form part ov United Nations' [Yunáyted Neyshòns'] förses enfôrsing pïs in förmèr Yügòslâvïà. Slowvákïà bï fl ov turist àtrákshòns layk impówzing Tatra [Tätrà] mawntàns, dhat rayvàl American Rockies [Àmérikàn Rokis] and Swiss Alps [Swis Alps]. Dher bï mùch popyùlàr helth and hòt springs späs, and Slowvákïà riméyn greyt bärgàn for turists.

Bifôr ay klowz, ay wud-layk tu_poynt awt dhat in nekst senchùri, dher wil-bï mùch greyter emfàsìs pleysed on glowbàl, intèrk`úlchùràl, intèrp`érsònàl, feys-tu-feys kòmyünìkéyshòn.

It bï antísìpeyted dhat kòntémpòreri thöt in nyü mìlénïùm wil-konsentreyt on glowbàl sowshàl intèrpley ov kùlchùr, ekònomiks, and polìtiks. Dhis, wi bìlîv, wil-köz imèrjèns ov nachùràl langgwij az simplìfayed mïns ov glowbàl kòmyünìkéyshòn àkrôs kùlchùràl bawndàris.

"Tök bï gud" not ownli for intèrnáshònàl riléyshòns, bùt for öl hyümàn riléyshòns, and wi bìlîv dhat sòm form ov simplìfayed Inglish, pèrháps Transíshònàl Inglish itsélf, wil bï dhat mïns ov kros-kùlchùràl, glowbàl kòmyünìkéyshòn in nekst senchùri. Nevèrdhèlés, if ov-wi kùrènt ikspérìmènt prüv tu_bï ùnsatìsfáktòri in löng rùn, dhen òdhèr pïpèl, posìbèli mör ikspírïènsed dhan wi, wil-jenèreyt gudèr aydîà. Kòléktiv hyümàn maynd ùltìmàtli wil-faynd sòlûshòn tu linggwístik keyos, and pèrmít asìmptótik àprówch tu dizáyèred yünìv`érsàl mïns ov kòmyünìkéyshòn.

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St. Petersburg, Russia


Last revised on 24 April 2001