Having "my own website" was an interesting challenge in the 90s


Welcome to Diego Moriarty's homepage.

Hi all, from here you can have a look at my resume. The rest of this page is dedicated to my java programming and misc.

Cryptonet screenshotThe gem of this collection is my final year project (from the old days of university), it is an applet that creates a virtual private network over the Internet in which users can do electronic commerce, enter CryptoNet now!

What's new?. As of September'07 I hold the title of High Cool Nerd, I carry it with pride :-) also: Photos found in Alameda.

An alternative way to tell time with this alternative timepiece collection.

A few screenshots from the TV series Father Ted.
Only for friends and family (just ask me for the password):A recent photo album, and my uni-days homepage. And my very own WAP site: wap.moriartys.com, check it out online with Klondike.

Blindflies screenshotCleaned up BlindFlies a bit, using Java 1.4, Java2D and Swing.

Amino Flaschard screenshotMore silly applets: Memorize easily those silly amino acid names that you could never memorize because you where too high on NH3 ... how?: with AminoFlashCard

Here you can find some music from Galicia.

This modified version of Transitional English is somewhat related to English spelling reform, but there is a lot more to it.

Check out this Java 2 applet: Echometer, it's only an example of the nice features of Java 2, and useful as well!

Randomwalk screenshotGoal Stack Planner screenshotThis goal stack planner is horrible though.

The one I call RandomWalk is more interesting, it is related in some way to CryptoNet.

I've also done a bit of JavaScript, very useful if you need to interact with the web browser, check out this Java-JavaScript combo called infopicker (for lack of a better name).
Some JavaScript tricks (old tech): dynamichtml and url2html.

You can have a trip to the past wih these pascal programs.

You can send me some anonymous feedback by writing here:and pressing enter.

Hosted at moriartys.com